Wanergard Picture Blog

Wanergard Picture Blog

Monday, September 17, 2012

The KräftWerk album is taking form...

Just two weeks left until the deadline for the KräftWerk album. We have a new participant from Göteborg that I'm very happy to have on the boat now when Petter left walk over. I don't believe we got more than 10-12 tracks but it will have to do.

I have mastered my first track under the Act Mr Marakech - I will not use my N-Stein psedunume for this release as it's more techno :)

Stay tuned for more info as the time closes in to the 30th.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Presently what did you say? I considered necessary! Maybe to facilitate bidding transpire my inspiration on behalf of the week, keep it emergence!