Wanergard Picture Blog

Wanergard Picture Blog

Friday, January 20, 2012


Made a embryo of a new track today. I aiming for 3 + 1 song ready for the gig the 24th or Mars. I have one half finished. Almost made the graphics for it as well. This may be the second one.. and the third is planned to be a cover (still secret which one).

This song was aimed to be something "futurepop-ish"... not sure if I managed. I got my guitar up and running together with my brand new Russian Vintage Fuzzbox. Well, sounds bad, but thats my playing and knowledge about record guitars :)

Working on a text, so have to see what to do before a new version...

Stay tuned...

N-Stein Crystal by N-Stein

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Wish

I shed my tears; my tears – my consolation;
And I am silent; my murmur is dead,
My soul, sunk in a depression’s shade,
Hides in its depths the bitter exultation.
I don’t deplore my passing dream of life --
Vanish in dark, the empty apparition!
I care only for my love’s infliction,
And let me die, but only die in love!

Alexander Pushkin

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012


Tree new pictures in one day on this blog... awful spamming :D

The latest one is an old photo of mine of beautiful Li, taken somewhere lite 2005/6 perhaps? My old hasselblad 501 and the Cz 80 2:8 and Tmax 100 film.



SEPHORA, originally uploaded by Fredrik Wanergard.

Old Street picture from Paris 2008. A better time.. a better place...