Wanergard Picture Blog

Wanergard Picture Blog

Friday, May 11, 2012

N-Stein - Crystal

Well, now it's online. The songs are really old now - made for a reunion gig so maybe they aren't really "my style". When spend so much time mixing and mastering one really get tired of them too. But give it a chance - sounds better in headphones than in loudspeakers.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


is the red sorceress in the American TV-show The Game of Thrones, but also the brand new track I working on. Still very ambient but I hope it moves toward Swedish coldwave soon. I did a quick sketch

And the first snippet - the drums are just one loop for the moment and completely free from effects. Some errors have slipped in too :)

New Gig!

Is in the initial discussion phases of playing live once more this year. Will be in the middle of August. Stay tuned for more information!