Wanergard Picture Blog

Wanergard Picture Blog

Saturday, October 20, 2012

N-Stein - Corpus

Ahh, Sweet. I managed to upload my new version of Corpus with the first vocal tracks. They are far from finished and the song is not done in a long way. But it's delivered "as is" to get a spot in the albumlist.

Stole a new picture to us as a cover... stay tuned for more versions :)

And a really old (2months), instrumental version of Corpus. Will not publish the finished one until the Itunes-version is live.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two new tracks...

With the KräftWerk album delivered and Release-date set to the 27th of October; the focus is now set on Let It Be Synth 2. I'm working on two tracks, Corpus and Sweat and the songs are moving along. The only problem is the vocal tracks but I will try to record them this weekend.

I have set a new manifesto - No more SoftWare Synths! I will try to cement the setup now and focus to learn the one I got and focus on the song writing and guitar instead. I planning to buy a new pair of Monitors as quick as I can afford them but else I will let the studio rest for a while. I bought a new MIDI patcher today just to be able to play modules without use of the computer. As the time goes by the idea is to add more hardware to the studio (Prophet 8, MS 20 as first in line).

Stay tuned!