Wanergard Picture Blog

Wanergard Picture Blog

Friday, September 30, 2011

Home rack starting to take form..

Go my new MIDI interface (MOTU Micro Lite) 5x5-USB yesterday so now I can start my MIDI gear simultaneous again - great! Have moved most of the gear "home" so Studio Flugan is empty due to winter.

Projects coming up:
* Fixing my Dynacord Tape-Echo.
* Fixing my Roland Juno 106. Been in pieces for a while now.
* Looking for a cheap Macbook to be able to present Video Graphics together with one projector

The Micro Lite to the left. The MOTU Firewire Mk3 to the right. The 19" rack is a TC Helicon VoiceWorksPlus and the yellow box a Mopho.

Old Gear

Found this lovely picture on the web... it really looks like my old 1980 setup, even if I didn't got a SP12...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Point of no return

Well, now it set. First live performance in 15 years. So have to mix some of the songs with somewhat heavier base and drums. Will be fun though :) Started out with some video Jockey software to see if one can make the performance more thrilling. To look at one guy with some synthesizers and computers isn't that funny I presume.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Nördhumor :)

Hahaha, ingen hemlighet man är en nörd... isynnerhet när man går igång på sånt här :D

 Lol, Java jokes (from some unnamed IRC)

EventHorizon: is it just me or does our prof wear sweaters alot?
swtaarrs: that's a sweatshirt
 EventHorizon: yeah
 EventHorizon: i think sweatshirt extends sweater though
 EventHorizon: so its still an instance
 DroolingSheep: no it doesn't sweaters suck
 swtaarrs: you're an instance of stupid EventHorizon: ur an instance of ur mom
 ChixLoveUnix: I implemented your mom last night.
 EventHorizon: i extended ur mom so bad she threw an exception
 EventHorizon: or something
 swtaarrs: if your mom were a collection class, her insert method would be public