Wanergard Picture Blog
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Så dagen ska gå åt att läsa in sig och förhoppningsvis få tag på lite mjukvara så man kan testa.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
ett år -34 kg
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Developed a batch of HP5+ rolls this Saturday. Took me some hours as I'm pretty rusty for the moment.. starting to get some speed now...
The rolls are over one year old, and have been living in my fridge for the time. They are in good company as I as usually got more film than food in my fridge :) Talking of food, the 19th I will publish a before/after photo of myself.. loosing.. like 34kgs on one year. I'm pretty proud of that... so stay tuned for the picutre :)
The smoking girl are Elise (Karro) smoking in the studio (hehe). This one is not really sharp, but I think i like it most of the batch. The pose is really good.
The rest of the pictures are located here:
Friday, January 15, 2010
Let it rain on me
Gammal bild, men satt och kikade igenom de svartvita på flickr när jag sprang på den - och den har lite speciell känsla. Let it rain on me...
Listening to the Swedish Singer/songwriter Anna Ternheim in the autum rains here in Stocholm. Got inspired to this dark, dull representation of the city.
For you with spotify, don't miss the album: